Would you like to be rewarded financially for introducing them? Our affiliate marketing plan gives you a unique web link that means whenever anyone clicks onto our web site using that link we know it is a lead sent from you and whenever they then make a purchase you get rewarded each and every time.
And not only that, there's more, you could soon be earning enough in rewards to cover all your future purchases as well as supporting a healthier option for others and help towards raising money for Cancer Research UK.
Imagine having 20 friends you have recommended and earning 5% on each order placed not just once but whenever they make their purchases.
Redeeming your payment is easy, all you do is email us using the contact us link and we will turn those payments into Loyalty points for you so that you can then spend them towards receiving FREE goods and discounts (Minimum 25)
Please Note
To make sure there’s no abuse of the system we can only give affiliate points to people who live at separate addresses and have a different ip address and we also cannot allow duplicate accounts or any other unfair methods to gain rewards fraudulently. Any abuses of the system will result in all your rewards being withdrawn.
Log in to your account and click the "Request Account Upgrade" link to request an affiliate account. It's that simple.